Title: Load-In
Length: 02:15
Description: The gear is loaded out of the truck and into the venue.

Title: Arrival
Length: 02:01
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio arrive at the recital hall.

Title: Setup
Length: 01:27
Description: The gear is organized on stage and tuned to the liking of the performers.

Title: Rehearsal Part I
Length: 03:22
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio "dial in" guitars, piano and percussion.

Title: Rehearsal Part II
Length: 07:14
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio "dial in" guitars, piano and percussion.

Title: Rehearsal Part III
Length: 06:53
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio "dial in" guitars, piano and percussion.

Title: Lecture #1 / Clip ROB MATHES BEYOND THE MUSIC.
Length: 13:51
Description: Rob Mathes speaks to students and teachers - Lecture #1 / Clip ROB MATHES BEYOND THE MUSIC.

Title: Sound-Check
Length: 02:07
Description: Levels are adjusted and sound is fine-tuned in preparation for the performance.

Title: William the Angel written by Rob Mathes
Length: 08:43
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio perform the song "William the Angel."

Title: She's With Me written by Rob Mathes
Length: 03:53
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio perform the song "She's With Me."

Title: Maggie's Farm written by Bob Dylan
Length: 04:56
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio perform the song "Maggie's Farm."

Title: I Slept 12 Hours written by Rob Mathes
Length: 03:43
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio perform the song "I Slept 12 Hours."

Title: When I Was a Child written by Rob Mathes
Length: 05:03
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio perform the song "When I Was a Child."

Title: Although It Is the Night written by Rob Mathes
Length: 08:18
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio perform the song "Although It Is the Night." "Although It is the Night" verses based on various translations of a poem by "St. John of the Cross," most prominently the translation by Roy Campbell.

Title: Ring Them Bells written by Bob Dylan
Length: 05:14
Description: Rob Mathes and percussionist Joe Bonadio perform the song "Ring Them Bells."

Title: Lecture #2 Part I Finding Your Voice and Following Your Passion.
Length: 44:40
Description: Rob Mathes speaks to students and teachers - Lecture #2 Part I Finding Your Voice and Following Your Passion.

Title: Lecture #2 Part II Creative Writing.
Length: 41:12
Description: Rob Mathes speaks to students and teachers - Lecture #2 Part II Creative Writing.

Title: Lecture #2 Part III Questions and Answers.
Length: 41:30
Description: Rob Mathes speaks to students and teachers - Lecture #2 Part III Questions and Answers.

Title: Rob Mathes: Beyond the Music - Setup
Length: 02:12
Description: Preparations are made for the recording and taping of the Rob Mathes: Beyond the Music TV performance.

Please view samples of the Rob Mathes: Beyond the Music performance on the STORE page.

Title: Rob Mathes: Beyond the Music Trailer
Length: 02:24
Description: Trailer of Rob Mathes: Beyond the Music two day musical performance documentary.